We are all spirit sons and daughters of God, our Heavenly Father, and he loves us. We are each different and special in His eyes, our purposes are different, and He knows us personally and loves us. The Family: A Proclamation To The World teaches us that, "All Human Beings- male and female- are created in the image of our God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and as such each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity, and purpose." Although there is much argument about this subject in our world today I do believe and know that gender is an eternal and essential characteristic and the no matter our gender each of us is important and has great purpose. I also know that what President Spencer W. Kimball said about gender is true, "We had full equality as his spirit children. We have full equality as recipients of God's perfected love for each of us.... 'Within those great assurances however, our roles and assignments differ. These are eternal differences-- with women being given many tremendous responsibilities of motherhood and sisterhood and men being given the tremendous responsibilities of fatherhood and priesthood'" . We are all inherently different and that's okay. I am a woman, a daughter of God, and he loves me. My gender is part of who I am and a large part of what makes me who I am and I am happy to embrace it because I know my worth and my purpose and I know above all things that I am a child of God and I know that you are too.
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