(The above pic was taken right before I ascended the elevator at the airport heading for the MTC. He turned away because he was trying to hold back his tears. Man! I love my daddy!)
I don't know what it's like to be a father or love as a father would. I don't know what it's like to watch children grow, change, struggle, serve a mission, or go off to college. I don't know what's it's like to carry the great responsibility to provide, preside, and protect; but, I know someone who does.
Too often in today's world father's are seen as only sperm donors or the person that provides financial support, but fatherhood is so much more. Fatherhood (and motherhood as well) helps the natural man become more like our Heavenly Father. Our Heavenly Father is gentle and kind, is wise, is merciful, lifts us up when we are down, and puts His children above all His other creations. Fortunately I am lucky enough to have a father, who like our Heavenly Father has those qualities. I don't know what it's like to be a father, nor will I ever. But, I know that I want my children to have a father who loves them and shows his love for them by bringing home homerun pies, waking them up early on Saturday mornings for breakfast dates, teaching them charity by taking them to ward service projects and the Bishop's Storehouse, teaching them that you're always early for scheduled events and meetings, and crying with them through the happiest and saddest moments. I'm not a father, nor will I ever be; but I know what a father is and should be because Danny White taught me.
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