Sunday, December 15, 2013

Crises-- Events that push us to change and teach us what really matters

When we hear the word "Crisis" we automatically think of bad things. I think danger, imminent death, not getting a paper turned in by 11:59 pm, and slipping on ice on a Rexburg crosswalk and being flattened by a car driven by a teenager who has never driven in the snow before. But, crises can be good things as well. Crises are situations that force change upon the status quo and cause stress. Crisis situations could also be the birth of a baby, a wedding, or an AMAZING daughter going on or coming home from a mission (yes, I am an RM ;) ). These situations are joyous events but cause families to change their dynamic or living situation. So a crisis can be good or bad. It all depends on how you look at it.

I have been through what I would classify as a few crises in my short 23 and a half years of life, but nothing like what this family has been through can compare to my mini crises. If you want to learn how to deal with a crisis, I am not your best source. We should all look to the Lord for that help and that's what Stephanie Nielson and her family did. She is an inspiration; learn from her. Life is beautiful and crises help us to figure out who we are, where we are going, and what really matters.


  1. I've followed Stephanie Nielson's progress for a long time -- she is an amazing woman. It was good to be reminded of this at the end of this particular day. It was six years ago that we dealt with crisis in our family.

  2. It's true. I love Stephanie Nielson and her Mormon Message was shared with countless people on my mission. Crises, like the ones that happen to us, really do help us remember who we are.
